Thursday 21 February 2013

Buy component

Today, i walk at Jalan Pasar to search component needed in my project which is control and monitor temperature by scada. Below are the picture of the shop that i go to buy the component.

Below are the component and equipment that i was looked at Jalan Pasar.
                  1.Voltage Regulator 3.3v & 5v
                  2. Resistor 1k ohm
                  3. PIC 18F4520
                  4. Transistor
                  5.  capacitor 0.1 micro farad
                  6. Relay 5Vdc
                  7.  Diode 1N4148
                  8. USB to UART converter
                  9.  Xbee module x2
                  10. Pcb board

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