Thursday 28 February 2013

Visual Basic

Today i want to share with you guys about the visual basic.  

Visual basic (VB) is a development tool to create application within the windows environment. With the expansions of applications, Visual Basic use a Visual approach to plan its user interface, which called graphical user interface (GUI). This is one of the ways to interface between computer and human which can manipulated by mouse or a keyboard.
Graphical User Interface
This project control and monitor temperature was used the Visual Basic to control and monitor. Figure above are the picture of the layout on Visual basic that i already made.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Buy component

Today, i walk at Jalan Pasar to search component needed in my project which is control and monitor temperature by scada. Below are the picture of the shop that i go to buy the component.

Below are the component and equipment that i was looked at Jalan Pasar.
                  1.Voltage Regulator 3.3v & 5v
                  2. Resistor 1k ohm
                  3. PIC 18F4520
                  4. Transistor
                  5.  capacitor 0.1 micro farad
                  6. Relay 5Vdc
                  7.  Diode 1N4148
                  8. USB to UART converter
                  9.  Xbee module x2
                  10. Pcb board

Thursday 14 February 2013

Serial port

From the figure, you can see the development of the serial port. The new technology is the USB to UART converter. The conventional method are rarely used nowadays because nowadays many people used laptop to interface with their microcontroller. So, laptop don't have the port for RS232 that why USB to UART important nowadays. This project control and monitor temperature was use the USB to UART converter in order to communicate the microcontroller with PC.

Thursday 7 February 2013


1. print layout with transparent plastic
2. cut the transparent plastic match with pcb board
3. open sticker layer at pcb board
4. compare the pcb with the actual diagram
5. cover the pcb with cloth or paper. then put iron on top of pcb board
6.the layout will attach at the pcb board
7. prepare the etching powder to remove the copper at pcb board.
8. start the process etching to remove the copper.
9. clean it up and you will get your pcb layout.