Thursday 8 November 2012

Submition of progress report & proposal report

Today i submit of both of report which is progress report and proposal report. Here i attach the picture of the report. After doing this report i already get the picture what i want to do next. The task i will follow the schedule as planned. based on the planning, this project will be finish on 1 March 2012. other than that, by submit this report i already finish the FYP 1.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Discuss with supervisor about proposal

Today meet with my supervisor to take back my draft proposal. My supervisor comment on my proposal which to include more information about my project. I already think what to add into that proposal. After taking back my draft, i straight away repair my proposal report because the final submission of this report by this week which at 9 November 2012.

Saturday 3 November 2012

Testing LM35 with PIC

Circuit to Measure temperature use PIC

Testing in early morning at temp : 28 Celsius.
Today i testing the LM35 with the microcontroller. The different between my project with this circuit is, this circuit use the PIC as a interfacing between input and output. For my project i want to use PLC as a interfacing between input and output. but the function still the same. I contruct the circuit that i found in the internet, and assemble it. Above is the picture of the circuit.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Meet Sir Saiful

Assalamualaikum, today i meet with En. Saiful at 11 o'clock. i ask him about the visual basic. As i mention in previous post. Cx-one is one of the scada software. Visual basic also the scada software. i can choose either one to use. this is depending on En saiful which software that he can teach me because he is the only one can teach me to do the scada. without him i think this project cannot be done. as in work plan every Thursday will be the time to meet En saiful.