Wednesday 26 September 2012

My Proposal

My proposal should include Introduction, methodology, progress time, and many more. Already done a little bit on the proposal.

Today i continue my work by doing a proposal. These proposal will be submit at the end of the semester. besides that, i also searching and get information about PLC.

Monday 24 September 2012

Learn PLC

currently searching for learning PLC program which is the PLC can interface with scada to communicate with the sensor or device that we use. In generally, the scada system is to monitor and control anything. between the scada and the device that we use such as sensor we need one platform to interface the analog signal from the sensor and the coding that we produce at scada system. that why i need to know PLC also. here are the link that i can study plc :

below is the block diagram for PLC

Sunday 23 September 2012

Doing some work

This week i'm going to do design of my project. this design actually is an environment that we can monitor the temperature. Example that i'm going to do is i would like to choose one of the material that can heat the water such as the aluminium mug. at the side of the mug i would like to put a sensor LM35 to detect the heat of the water. so from that i can know the temperature of the water inside the mug.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Information about Malaysia

Here i found a website that can see the many things in one country which is population in that country, power consumption in that country, and many more.

here i attach the link :

Research on Power Demand

doing a little bit research on the power demand in Malaysia. I had found that power demand on Malaysia has exceeded their limit. That mean the people in Malaysia is use the electricity exceeded than TNB produce. Here i attach the link :

This is the link that we can see the graph of power consumption in Malaysia.

Monday 17 September 2012

Weekly Progress Report

week 1
- thinking about the final year project.
- discuss with advisor which it can be accept or not.

week 2
- confirmation about the title that going to do which is temperature sensor.
- it not only temperature sensor it must can control and monitoring that temperature.

week 3
- searching information about the controlling and monitoring temperature.
- the sensor that going to use is LM35DZ which is one of the temperature that can measure temperature.

week 4
- searching information what need to use to control and monitor that temperature.
-after discuss with advisor, we would like to choose Scada system to control and monitor the temperature.

week 5
- do some research and start to do the proposal.
- meet advisor and explain progress which is the scada system need to be wait because the technician already buy the sofware. for temporary use the pirate first.

week 6
- learn the sofware to handle the Scada system. Find the person who can teach the scada system.
- already download the pirate sofware and show it to En.Saiful master in Scada.

week 7
- En. Saiful a bit busy this week. wait for the next week to learn about scada from him. but i keep digging to know well about the sofware.
- Actually the scada system is about to handle the sofware very well, after that you can monitor and control what ever you want. So my 1st target is to learn the sofware from En.Saiful.